
Released in 1996, during an era where death metal was supposedly “dead,” In the Name of Gore brought together two of that era’s sickest bands, HEMDALE and EXHUMED, for a 24-track / 53-minute orgy of viscera and depravity. At the time, HEMDALE were well on their way to being one of the cultest bands in the metal underground: gory, gnarly, and utterly uncompromising, it was perhaps fate – or, rather, their recordings being too foul & filthy – that they only ever released EPs and splits during their original run in the 1990s (and even when they re-formed in 2013). However, their contribution to In the Name of Gore was an all-too-generous 13 tracks, still HEMDALE’s longest recorded entry anywhere – and it still stands tall as some of the sickest (and nearly blackened) goregrind around, ignorant and untouchable in its primitive grind & gallop schematic. Back then, EXHUMED were grade-A early-Carcass worship, still a couple years away from their classic Gore Metal debut album. Although they’ve continued on with a respectable and prolific canon of work that endures to this day, the rough & ramshackle era of ‘90s EXHUMED hits the hardest – or, rather, touches upon a nostalgia of a simpler time for those involved in the scene back then – and their 11 tracks here encapsulate that sensation with no small amount of poignancy.

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